Saturday, 26 January 2013

Vernederlandsing: Koffiemelk

The Dutch word vernederlandsing means "the assimilation into Dutch society" or more simply "becoming Dutch". It is a word I learned in one of my Dutch lessons and it got me thinking. Are there any things I have been doing that is particularly Dutch? This gave me the idea of a series of "Vernederlandsing" posts, whereby each time I spot myself doing something Dutch I will share it with you all!

The other day, out of curiosity, I bought myself a bottle of koffiemelk to put in my coffee. This seems to be the preferred choice for coffee over real milk. It turns out to basically be evaporated milk. And I have to say I do prefer it over normal milk!

If there is anything 'typisch Nederlands' that any Dutch readers might suggest then put feel free to suggest it in the comments!

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